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TVFR Grand Prix Age Grading: Running with the Wolves - Aug 19, 2014

Choose a different race:        Current Standings: Women Men

Name Age Actual Time Graded Time Points
 Sarah Parks  36   51:01   50:18  15 
 Karen Fleming-Brooks  51    1:06:09   57:08  14 
 Mary Tyler  67    1:23:49   57:47  13 
Name Age Actual Time Graded Time Points
 Mark Capparella  45   39:58   36:22  15 
 Danny Finch  33   48:28   47:55  14 
 Mike Nixon  34   52:39   51:48  13 
 Ted Tyler  74    1:23:49   58:02  12 

Please report any suspected errors or omissions to Rawson Chaplin.