What: An evening Rail Trail and Pub Run
When: Tuesday evenings at 6:00 PM
Where: Meet at the CVS parking lot, Rt 16 and Rt 109 intersection, 50 Medway Rd, Milford.
See the sign-up page to see the location(s) of the latest run.
Course: Out and back on the rail trail, typically 5-8 miles, but you can set your own distance. This is a trail run on a flat, non-technical, gravel surface. The run starts with a mile and a quarter on asphalt bike trail before turning into gravel.
Light: For much of the year, all or most of this run takes place in the dark. The trail isn't lit, so you'll need to bring your own light source.
Post Run: Head next door to Casey's Pub for food, spirits, and friends!