Tri-Valley - Running Club - Blackstone Valley - Open to all runners




Tri-Valley Front Runner - Race Results January 2010


The race results are shown by the month.
January - February - March - April - May - June - July
August - September - October - November - December


If you do not see your results here, please submit them by clicking the Submit Race Results link.  If you have any pictures that you would like to submit - a race, a runner or a scenery picture, click submit your picture.



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Boston Prep 16 Miler - Derry, NH - January 24, 2010  -   Mike Sawyer places 13th overall out of over 700 runners and 4th in his age group.  Harry and Doug also ran in this very challenging hilly course.


Place Name


Pace Division
13 Mike Sawyer 1:31:30 6:21 4
237 Harry Jarvis 2:09:41 8:07 31
696 Doug Sylvester 3:16:21 12:17 122

Snowstorm Classic 5K - Springfield, MA - January 16, 2010.  -  From Rich:  Nice low-key race.  The start was a bit uphill but it quickly leveled off then finished with a steep downhill toward the end.  Couldn't ask for better weather in mid-January!


Place Name


Pace Division
16 Rich Victor 20:40 6:40 5
48 Brendan Victor 23:31 7:35 5

Cape Cod Road Runners Winter  4.9 Miler - Bourne, MA - January 10, 2010.  -  From Charlene: Although a little cold, it was a good day for a race. The lack of wind and sunny skies made it warmer than the low single digits from a few hours before.  The start and finish had to be moved because of thick ice on the road and some corners were a little tricky (I'd say downright dangerous - I walked them).  The shortened course was supposedly 4.8 miles but most Garmin people thought it nearer to 4.65.  This was a Rat Race for Harry and a GFRC grand prix for me.  


Place Name


Pace Division
35 Harry Jarvis 31:43 6:36  
181 Charlene Gaboriault 43:46 9:07 2

Little Compton Scenic Winter 4.8 Miler - Little Compton, RI - January 2, 2010.   Nice 3rd place finish by Mike.  Windy (18mph) and snowy but over 150 finishers.  

Place Name


Pace Division
3 Mike Sawyer 29:49 6:13 1

10th Annual Wrentham Lions Eagle Brook 5K - Wrentham, MA -  From Charlene Gaboriault: Not a bad day weather wise with tempertures near 30 and a cloudy overcast sky.  The race is up hill for the first mile and then gradually downhill to the finish.  Harry went out in the lead pack of 4 and just missed placing in the top three by seconds. Not bad for a Senior.  Harry was first Senior and Charlene was first Veteran.  Fantastic buffet breakfast after the race.  Not many runners which is too bad because it's a great New Year's day race.  
Place Name


Pace Division
4 Harry Jarvis 19:52 6:25 1
35 Charlene Gaboriault 27:50 8:55 1
47 Jaci Jarvis 31:40 10:13  

3rd Annual Wicked Frosty Four Miler - Salem, MA - January 1, 2010   From Mary Tyler: It was wicked frosty. Actually it was a little colder than I or my asthmatic lungs like - about 28, and there was a small section of maybe 1/4 mile that was just sanded not plowed, but otherwise the conditions were pretty good. No Bloody Marys on the course unlike the Run From the Devil Halloween race, but they had champagne at the finish and lots of hot soup, chowder, chicken sandwiches, and cookies shaped just like the Wicked Running Club cat logo. Lots of fun.

Place Name


Pace Division
413 Mary Tyler 46:21 11:46 5

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