Tri-Valley - Running Club - Blackstone Valley - Open to all runners



Tri-Valley Front Runner - Race Results November 2008


The race results are shown by the month.
January - February - March - April - May - June - July
August - September - October - November - December


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32nd Annual Turkey Trot - Garden City, NY - November 27, 2008From David Bryan:  Despite the lack of miles I decided to participate in the Turkey Trot held on Long Island and I am thankful I did.  The race was well organized, the course was flat on streets that were wide, held on a day perfect for running, partly cloudy and 45 degrees.  There were 2300 runners in the race many of them being families.  It was great to see people, fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters and friends running together and encouraging each other along the course.  Running does not need to be a solitary endeavor but in fact running is GREAT FUN when shared with family and friends.  I was happy with my time and effort but more importantly I am happy I am running.

Place Name Time Pace Division
392 David Bryan





Pequot Thanksgiving Day 5 Miler - Southport, CT - November 27, 2008  -   From  Sherri Goodell - we had a great day to run... cool but not crazy.  It's a fun race with a field of about 3400 participants.  Roland was just shy of his goal to be under 35 minutes because of rolling his ankle around mile 3 or so.  Thankfully, not a serious one.  Me, I had fun - I'm just glad there were a few people behind me.  :)

Place Name Time Pace Division
237 Roland Goodell



2910 Sherri Goodell 55:24 11:05 311-370


20th Annual Thanksgiving Day Whitin 5 Miler - Whitinsville, MA - November 27, 2008  -   Tri-Valley was well represented with 22 runners in this race.  Not too cold, no snow, a great day to run! Two pilgrims in full gear running with us.   Several TVFRers placed in the money (and we mean real Ulysses S Grants $$$) - Larry Olsen 1st Veteran, Charlene Gaboriault 1st Veteran, Harry Jarvis 1st Senior, Anne Mackay 1st Master, Kelly Terrill 2nd 50-59, Brandon Mungeam 1st 1-12 and Ray Lussier 2nd 70-79.  New member (as of the day before)  Rhonda Hurley ran in her first road race.  She would have had a better time but stopped to help a child who was having a diabetic reaction. 
Place Name Time Pace Division
17 Ross Mungeam 30:30 6:06  
19 Larry Olsen 30:36 6:07 1st Veteran
32 Harry Jarvis 32:04 6:25 1st Senior
35 Kelly Terrill 32:45 6:33 2nd 50-59
50 Charles Brown 33:55 6:45  
54 Rich Allen 34:13 6:51  
55 Anne Mackay 34:19 6:52 1st Master
59 Brandon Mungeam 34:38 6:56 1st 1-12
64 Jay McGonnell 35:07 7:01  
98 Rich Victor 36:43 7:21  
131 Stephanie Jarvis 37:37 7:31  
181 Philip Branigan 39:09 7:50  
303 John Parker 42:48 8:34  
341 Trevor Mungeam 44:01 8:48  
342 Mark Mungeam 44:02 8:48  
367 Charlene Gaboriault 45:05 9:01 1st Veteran
393 Diane Branigan 45:52 9:10  
395 Demetra Edwards 45:54 9:11  
484 Jacqueline Jarvis 49:54 9:59  
507 Debbie Gaulitz 50:54 10:11  
523 Jo-Ellen McCarrick 52:13 10:27  
582 Rhonda Hurley 1:00:01 12:00  
583 Ray Lussier 1:00:28 12:16 2nd 70-79


28th Annual Slattery's Turkey Trot 5 Miler - Fitchburg, MA - Sunday November 23  -  Nice showing by several Tri-Valley runners.  Larry Olsen and Mary Tyler both place first in their divisions.  Harry Jarvis 6th and Joe Drugan 4th.  This is Mary's second Turkey run this month!
Place Name Time Pace Division
34 Larry Olsen


6:04 1
60 Harold Jarvis 32:15 6:27 6
90 Joe Drugan 34:13 6:51 4
664 Mary Tyler 55:30 11:06 1


22nd Annual Norwood Turkey Trot 4 Miler -  Norwood, MA - Sunday November 23   Doc places first in division!
Place Name Time Pace Division
19 Doc Chasen




Cheshire Cross 08, CAT4 Division - Cheshire, CT - November 22, 2008  This was Connecticut's Championship Cyclocross race offering great wood trails, challenging hills and fast single track areas with plenty of great spots for spectators to view the races.  Definitely on the list of "must do" for next year.

Place Name Time
19 Roland Goodell


Norwell Turkey Trot 5K - Norwell, MA - Sunday November 16   Mary has a nice turkey run placing 2nd in her division out 6 woman in her division.
Place Name Time Pace Division
212 Mary Tyler




Luv2Run 5K - Boston, MA - Sunday, November 9 
From John Dumont - I ran a race in Boston (Brighton actually) yesterday 11/9/08 called the Luv2Run Boston 5K.  The race starts in Artesani Park and is typical of a race along the Charles - very flat with the only change of elevation at the two bridges we crossed.  The weather was overcast and around 50 degrees with a good wind.  On a personal note, I have been battling an ankle injury for a couple of months and just recently have started to build some weekly mileage.  Despite this, I was pleased to see I could compete in my age group - pain free!  See you on the roads!!!

Place Name Time Pace Division
14 John Dumont




Harrisburg Marathon / Harrisburg / PA / Sunday, November 9
Meredith traveled to PA again this year for this race and reports that she had a difficult time from mile 21 to the end with a couple of walking stops.  Still with all that said she finished only three seconds behind last years time was forty-seventh overall, fifth female and first in her division.  We say Congratulations to you Meredith.

Place Name Time Pace Place in Gender Place in Division
47 Meredith Dutton 3:09:11 7:13 5 1

Stone Cat 50 Mile Race - Ipswich, MA - Sunday November 9 Mike Carroll places 12th overall out of 101 runners in this 50 mile race!  And this is just a few weeks after placing 26th in the Bay State Marathon.
Place Name Time Pace
12 Mike Carroll



 Ironman World Championship - Clearwater Florida - November 8  

Place Name Swim Bike Run Rank Division
272 Charles Brown


2:19:02 1:40:43 539 of 1254 86 of 169

Run for All Ages 5K = Wakefield, MA - Saturday November 8  This 3.1 mile race is flat and goes around scenic Lake Quannapowitt. 
Place Name Time Pace
264 Mary Tyler



2nd Annual Manchester City Marathon - Sunday, November 2Keith with his first race of the year decides on a Marathon in New Hampshire.  Obviously he didn't bite off more than he could chew.  Tenth Place overall and third in his division.  Great job Keith.
From Keith - Temps were 40 degrees (at best) for the start of the race with some wind blowing.  The start was crowded as you had the 1/2 marathon and the full marathon starting at the same time and running the same route for 13 miles.  After being swept up in the excitement and running too fast for the 1st mile, I got into a good pace and stuck to the plan of 6:50 to 7:00 minute pace - at least for the most part.  With 811 feet of climbing over many, many hills, my legs started to feel the pain around mile 21 (after the long climb to St. Anselms college).  Though I did catch 3 runners in the last 4 miles, it was a mental battle all the way.
Overall a good race.  Lots of spectators along the way.  Water & Gatorade every 2 miles with some stops having sports gel.  Great traffic control.  Lots of hill throughout and a lot of turns.  By the end, the downhills started to hurt! 
Place Name Time Pace Place in Division
10 Keith Neal 3:03:27 7:01 3

Genesis Battlegreen Run - Lexington, MA - Sunday, November 2A longer distance for Mary but it worked as she was able to place first in her division.
Place Name Time Pace Division
193 Mary Tyler





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